High Lights:
- Golf Outing
- Started To learn Python
- Finished Another Book
Low Lights:
- Missed league night
Finally actually made some time to start learning to code in Python. I created an account on Udemy and purchased a course called “Automate the Boring Stuff with Python Programming” I did some quick research and found on a couple different forums that this course was mentioned everywhere as a great place to start cold without any type of programming knowledge. I’m only about 90 minutes into this course and still excited to complete it. It is a lot of new information for me so I will have to pace myself to be able to comprehend all of it and hopefully put it to good use in the near future.
I finished the book, Spark: The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and the Brain-John J. Ratey, Eric Hagerman  This was a fast data packed book, The audiobook length was just over 8 hours. The main theme of the book is how exercises/physical activity increase the quality of life thought your whole life. It even goes into detail about how exercise will help the deteration of your brain by actually growing it in you later years. I Might do a full book review on this one in the future.
I got invited pretty last minute to play in a golf outing at Cog Hill with the Disabled Patriots Fund This was a pretty fun outing that had a bunch of fun event holes along with the usuals like Longest Drive and closet to the pin competition. Unfortunately the weather did not cooperate all day. It was a 9 am Shotgun and it drizzled all the way until the 12th hole and the sky’s opened up and dumped a bigtime downpour for the next 5 holes. We tried to play through it but at one point the everybody that was still on the course and to get cover under trees for about 18 minutes. This was kind of fun as we had about 9 carts all huddled under 4 huge oak trees. After the big down pour then sun cam out for the rest of the wholes but everybody was soaking wet and with hot sun and what felt like 100% humidity the rest of the round was kind of uncomfortably swing and walking in super damp clothes. It did get to smoke a great cigar while we played though and hey if you can’t golf in the rain your cutting your golf season even shorter.