Weekly Post 12/9/2019


  • Steak and Cigar night Round 6
  • Family Birthday Brunch
  • Great business lunch


  • Can’t drink like I used too

Goals for next week: Keep inviting people to business lunches.

This was an action-packed week with tons of lunches and dinner and things to celebrate. It wasn’t easy on the pocketbook but lots of fun and some action items to follow up with that should lead to greener pastures hopefully in early 2020.

We celebrated the wife’s birthday with lunch at a new spot in the west river north area called Pacific Standard Time. It had a very west coast feel to the interior which wasn’t overdone and overall it was very pleasing to the eye and had a great contrast with the grey Chicago winter weather that has now settled in for the rest of the year. The brunch menu has the usual staple items that were decently priced for a river north restaurant. 

I ordered the steak and eggs, always nice to have a breakfast steak in my opinion. The highlight of the meal was the hot sauce they gave with the eggs and it was liquid hot magma. Passing this around the table to see who was brave enough to try and watch their face melt after only ingest a small was too funny.

The last big meal of the week was at GT Prime for the 6th semi Quarterly Steak and Cigar night. There will be a full recap post on this meal that will be published shortly that will give a full break down of the most expensive steak I’ve ever eaten. With all the steak, bourbon and cigars mixed with a late-night, I paid the price for it on Friday morning through the early afternoon. I can’t swig them back like I used too, and for the most part, I’m kinda happy about that. I’ve always been a big drinker and now that my life priorities have taken my attention elsewhere not going out and getting blasted every weekend night has been a hard adjustment but one for the better. Both for the here and now and the future. I will now need to learn drink at a pace that is new to me but this will be a necessary tactic to have when I’m out with boys for fun night out and not have to pay for it dearly the next day.

Weekly Post 10/28/2019


  • No work this weekend
  • Fun brunch on a rainy Saturday


  • Bears lost 3 in a row now

Goals for next week: Keep trying to get rid of these work day Mochas

It was a nice low key week. I could have done without the cold rain during the weekend. Still managed to make it to Brunch despite the weather. This weekend we went to Tavern on Rush for a boozy brunch. Not gonna lie this place had some weak ass Mochas, so I guzzled mine down in 3 gulps and went straight to the beer before my food even came. In case you are wondering Heineken and french toast paired beautifully together. We followed up Brunch with some beers at my Brothers’ new spot downtown to hide from the cold rain. College football was on and the rain never stopped and we never left the couch.

I should try and purposefully plan some low effort weekends to use the off days to recharge my battery. Busy weeks seem to compound that tiredness that creeps in during the week. Recovery needs to start being a bigger priority now that my age gets up in value.